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Topics - richarduk99

Pages: [1]
Help & Support / advertising problem
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:00:59 AM »
Hi all,  wondered if anyone else has had problems when trying to purchase an ad.
I set my add up ok, then when i choose my plan and click on it to go to the payment section,
the page just freezes up then times out.
I have a fast pc, fast broadband and never had problems like this before.
I used to advertise on here all the time, but this problem started last year
ive tried to use my phone, and a friends pc as well, and the same problem persists.
Thanks in advance

Advertise Here / earn from rev shares big money
« on: March 12, 2024, 10:42:11 AM »
Great new site here.
PTC and you can earn from rev shares too all at $1 each
Many payment options including paypal,   join now its free

Payment Proofs / 1st payment
« on: April 17, 2021, 05:05:05 AM »
Just got my first payment today
Thanks admin

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Pages: [1]