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Messages - Skopeftis

Pages: [1]
Payment Proofs / payment no.1
« on: December 02, 2015, 07:19:19 AM »
Transaction details   

Payment Received

Sent by: CashTravel (The sender of this payment is Non-U.S. - Verified)
Payment sent from: [email protected]
Payment sent to: skopeftis

Business Contact Information
Customer Service URL:
Customer Service Email: [email protected]

Amount received:   $0.36 USD
Fee amount:$0.00 USD
Net amount:$0.36 USD

Issue a refund Help
You have up to 60 days to refund the payment.

Date:   Dec 2, 2015
Time:   18:13:41 GMT+02:00

Subject: You've Got Money From!!
Note: Please post a payment proof in our forum! Congratz!
Payment type:Instant

Pages: [1]