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Good Day Admin.This is my first time with cashtravel and so far i like it. I'm looking forward to upgrade my status to gold and start getting direct referrals of course.I also will use the opportunity regarding the offer for the monthly fixed Ads for my Web site www.infoearnings.com, good price indeed.At the moment I'm preparing the banners for my Web site not yet done.Until next time.Best RegardsLuis Thompson
Good deals sir.
Quote from: kerwin8 on July 19, 2016, 07:16:12 AMGood deals sir.I see you are banned on emoneyspace.What happened to you?
Hi, allCashTravel now offers monthly fixed ads.For this offer, you will get a full month of PTC link (Value of the PTC link will be set at $0.001/click), a full month of banner and a full month of featured ad.The cost is only for $35.To get this offer, 1. You will have to register on CashTravel, so that you can track your ads status.2. Send payment to cashtravel@ymail.com (For both Paypal and Payza).3. Send your payment transaction number and ads details to cashtravel@ymail.com , e-mail format will be given below.E-mail format:Your CashTravel username: xxxxxx(Paypal or Payza) Transaction number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxPTC Ad title:PTC Ad URL:PTC Ad Banner URL:PTC Ad Subtitle (if any):Banner Title:Banner URL:Featured Ad Title:Featured Ad URL:Your monthly Fixed Ads will be set up within 1 day after we receive the payment and ads details.Regards,AdminAds Status jiazihan - Ads Title: HQ Bux Network - Ads starting date 2015.9.22(Ends on 2015.10.24) - Link onlyculsun - Ads Title: TrillestClicks Free Premium - Ads starting date 2015.10.7(Ends on 2015.11.9)jiazihan - Ads Title: Grandbux - Ads starting date 2015.10.17(Ends on 2015.11.18) - Link onlyjiazihan - Ads Title: Clixsense - Ads starting date 2015.10.17(Ends on 2015.11.18) - Link onlyjiazihan - Ads Title: Wordlinx - Ads starting date 2015.10.17(Ends on 2015.11.18) - Link only
My fix ad for month still not activeAllready mail sent to you
pls set my ad $35 paid by paypal and email sent to you
great oportunity,thanks admin
Hi, allCashTravel now offers monthly fixed ads.For this offer, you will get a full month of PTC link (Value of the PTC link will be set at $0.001/click), a full month of banner and a full month of featured ad.The cost is only for $35.To get this offer, 1. You will have to register on CashTravel, so that you can track your ads status.2. Send payment to cashtravel@ymail.com (For both Paypal and Payza).3. Send your payment transaction number and ads details to cashtravel@ymail.com , e-mail format will be given below.E-mail format:Your CashTravel username: xxxxxx(Paypal or Payza) Transaction number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxPTC Ad title:PTC Ad URL:PTC Ad Banner URL:PTC Ad Subtitle (if any):Banner Title:Banner URL:Featured Ad Title:Featured Ad URL:Your monthly Fixed Ads will be set up within 1 day after we receive the payment and ads details.Regards,AdminAds Status jiazihan - Ads Title: HQ Bux Network - Ads starting date 2015.9.22(Ends on 2015.10.24) - Link onlyculsun - Ads Title: TrillestClicks Free Premium - Ads starting date 2015.10.7(Ends on 2015.11.9)jiazihan - Ads Title: Grandbux - Ads starting date 2015.10.17(Ends on 2015.11.18) - Link onlyjiazihan - Ads Title: Clixsense - Ads starting date 2015.10.17(Ends on 2015.11.18) - Link onlyjiazihan - Ads Title: Wordlinx - Ads starting date 2015.10.17(Ends on 2015.11.18) - Link onlysur5031 - Ads Title: PTC HOSTING - Ads starting date 2016.11.5(Ends on 2016.12.6)sur5031 - Ads Title: BOXPTC - Ads starting date 2016.11.24(Ends on 2016.12.25)sur5031 - Ads Title: PTC Hosting - Ads starting date 2017.3.30(Ends on 2017.4.30)
i need 1 month fixed ad