Online Since Apr, 2012                            Telegram Group: @CashTravelOfficial

182,788,017 Ads View Served             170,885 Members     15 Online     $70,969 Total Paid

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ID # Username Method Amount Date Requested Date Paid
2778 mayunum Paypal $0.08 Oct/31/2012 Nov/01/2012
2777 meuntroe Paypal $0.05 Oct/31/2012 Nov/01/2012
2776 mihi16 Paypal $0.05 Oct/31/2012 Nov/01/2012
2775 mybiz75 Paypal $0.43 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2774 niki Paypal $1.02 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2772 sherazahmedqazi Paypal $0.34 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2771 strawberry Paypal $0.04 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2770 taray18 Paypal $0.13 Oct/31/2012 Nov/01/2012
2769 trungkien125 Paypal $0.04 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2768 susi1 LibertyReserve $0.07 Oct/31/2012 Nov/01/2012
2767 chibugwu85 LibertyReserve $0.09 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2766 keboe LibertyReserve $0.23 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2765 miraj24 LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/31/2012 Nov/01/2012
2764 MuriloMagal LibertyReserve $0.62 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2763 zerka89 LibertyReserve $0.04 Nov/01/2012 Nov/01/2012
2760 anmark Paypal $0.72 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2759 bestflowers Paypal $0.24 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2758 blizneta Paypal $0.04 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2757 chriswuk Paypal $0.13 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2756 chupito Paypal $0.08 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2755 cirus2 Paypal $0.04 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2754 debb711 Paypal $0.16 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2753 dinoal Paypal $0.05 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2752 gamirz Paypal $0.13 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2751 hongthuy2905 Paypal $0.09 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2750 itthanh67 Paypal $0.09 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2749 jupjup Paypal $0.08 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2748 k913931 Paypal $0.07 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2747 mesia666 Paypal $0.10 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2746 pikolo Paypal $0.04 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2745 yuwengdeli Paypal $0.08 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2744 bablu007 LibertyReserve $0.06 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2743 cmy2003 LibertyReserve $0.19 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2742 drhakem LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2741 Jhodilyn LibertyReserve $0.15 Oct/31/2012 Oct/31/2012
2740 sylverangel LibertyReserve $0.08 Oct/30/2012 Oct/31/2012
2739 Ally Paypal $0.04 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2738 asheville Paypal $0.19 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2737 bristythuy Paypal $0.04 Oct/30/2012 Oct/30/2012
2736 catarinam Paypal $0.05 Oct/30/2012 Oct/30/2012
2735 davefo Paypal $0.22 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2734 dytka88 Paypal $0.05 Oct/30/2012 Oct/30/2012
2732 feigewz Paypal $0.08 Oct/30/2012 Oct/30/2012
2731 grannyjd Paypal $0.04 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2730 hubiaolin Paypal $0.04 Oct/30/2012 Oct/30/2012
2729 impicment Paypal $0.05 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2728 lola1301 Paypal $0.04 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2727 luisfonseca Paypal $0.04 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2726 masia Paypal $0.10 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2725 miki Paypal $0.04 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2724 mofer Paypal $0.18 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2723 nikifor77 Paypal $0.37 Oct/30/2012 Oct/30/2012
2722 pepe Paypal $0.05 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2721 russbroz Paypal $0.04 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2720 ulusia Paypal $0.07 Oct/30/2012 Oct/30/2012
2718 vitodilorenzo Paypal $0.18 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2717 wonderland Paypal $0.13 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2716 yoshiki1989 LibertyReserve $0.21 Oct/29/2012 Oct/30/2012
2715 achile Paypal $0.05 Oct/29/2012 Oct/29/2012
2714 buxcheckes Paypal $0.06 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2713 CarlosVera Paypal $0.04 Oct/27/2012 Oct/29/2012
2712 cashnhits Paypal $1.06 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2711 hangar Paypal $0.11 Oct/29/2012 Oct/29/2012
2709 chinchansu Paypal $0.08 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2708 emilioporto Paypal $0.04 Oct/27/2012 Oct/29/2012
2707 florin23242 Paypal $0.04 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2706 gamirz Paypal $0.47 Oct/27/2012 Oct/29/2012
2705 iva7 Paypal $0.08 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2704 jdtrammell Paypal $0.51 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2703 jessegj Paypal $0.11 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2702 jgeezer Paypal $0.04 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2700 lj20122012 Paypal $0.09 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2699 mybiz75 Paypal $0.45 Oct/29/2012 Oct/29/2012
2698 on4o Paypal $0.12 Oct/29/2012 Oct/29/2012
2697 peterb603 Paypal $0.14 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2696 pringles71 Paypal $0.05 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2695 q12qw2 Paypal $0.07 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2694 torcidomask Paypal $0.14 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2693 ufo3235 Paypal $0.15 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2692 sopeace LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2691 sylverangel LibertyReserve $0.34 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2690 wyf8888 LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/28/2012 Oct/29/2012
2687 exell Paypal $0.98 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2685 hembro Paypal $0.33 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2684 houssemzapa Paypal $0.04 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2683 konnie Paypal $0.16 Oct/26/2012 Oct/27/2012
2682 loveptc Paypal $0.82 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2681 nikiatanasov94 Paypal $0.09 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2680 pay60 Paypal $0.92 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2679 pweichan Paypal $0.12 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2678 ta1ch1k00pa Paypal $0.04 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2677 uf0325 Paypal $0.07 Oct/26/2012 Oct/27/2012
2676 vahidib LibertyReserve $0.05 Oct/27/2012 Oct/27/2012
2675 atleverton Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2674 c88131 Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2673 calypso35 Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2672 cirrus Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2671 craiovenis Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2670 danaradu12 Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2669 haer711 Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2668 lenka Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2667 mirka666 Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2666 mybiz75 Paypal $0.10 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2665 nicu56 Paypal $0.07 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2664 niko78 Paypal $0.09 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2663 palpomerie Paypal $0.05 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2662 pirisbruno Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2661 takukun Paypal $0.08 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2660 vadmacs1208 Paypal $0.12 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2659 dogiang92 LibertyReserve $0.10 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2658 piyushnokia57 LibertyReserve $0.55 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2657 tuhinnihut LibertyReserve $0.07 Oct/26/2012 Oct/26/2012
2655 anmark Paypal $0.27 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2654 argento Paypal $0.18 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2652 bongxinh0709 Paypal $0.22 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2651 chaugiakiet Paypal $0.19 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2650 Cherli Paypal $0.04 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2649 davefo Paypal $0.17 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2648 djjobboy Paypal $0.04 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2647 emanuxperia28 Paypal $0.09 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2646 exer Paypal $0.39 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2645 fenggouwang Paypal $0.04 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2644 kavarr Paypal $0.04 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2643 lmrc Paypal $0.10 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2642 ly0315 Paypal $0.34 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2641 mariusz196312 Paypal $0.04 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2640 maytala5578 Paypal $0.10 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2639 nessher Paypal $0.15 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2638 prettybm Paypal $0.10 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2637 ramonna Paypal $0.20 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2636 syspro Paypal $0.05 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2635 teopsy Paypal $0.06 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2634 charruto LibertyReserve $0.12 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2633 edvanpaz LibertyReserve $0.10 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2632 el9gdl LibertyReserve $0.14 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2631 kandrac LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/25/2012 Oct/25/2012
2630 thanhvien LibertyReserve $0.22 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2629 zxwhite LibertyReserve $0.32 Oct/24/2012 Oct/25/2012
2627 Ally Paypal $0.04 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2626 baby58 Paypal $0.10 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2625 dumai Paypal $0.08 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2624 hubiaolin Paypal $0.04 Oct/24/2012 Oct/24/2012
2622 kartofel12 Paypal $0.05 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2621 miki Paypal $0.04 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2620 moneyeq Paypal $0.20 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2619 mybiz75 Paypal $0.25 Oct/24/2012 Oct/24/2012
2618 none Paypal $0.10 Oct/24/2012 Oct/24/2012
2617 solichris Paypal $0.06 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2616 thoson80 Paypal $0.59 Oct/24/2012 Oct/24/2012
2615 branat58 LibertyReserve $0.21 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2614 galaxy LibertyReserve $0.10 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2613 lamphuoc LibertyReserve $0.29 Oct/23/2012 Oct/24/2012
2610 alladin Paypal $0.20 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2609 Bhebelen14 Paypal $0.11 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2608 Bobylegros Paypal $0.09 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2607 grannyjd Paypal $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2606 jdtrammell Paypal $1.46 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2605 kisasusu Paypal $0.18 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2604 ladyrat Paypal $0.06 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2603 lexel0912 Paypal $0.04 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2602 lolzer Paypal $0.06 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2601 mihi16 Paypal $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2600 rheycilla Paypal $0.09 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2599 robertobp Paypal $0.09 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2598 rumen999 Paypal $0.12 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2597 russbroz Paypal $0.04 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2596 zoppetti Paypal $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2595 bablu007 LibertyReserve $0.07 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2594 kolmra LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2593 maddog LibertyReserve $1.28 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2592 miraj24 LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2591 ptcsitesreview LibertyReserve $0.05 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2590 ranham LibertyReserve $0.13 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2589 roque LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/23/2012
2588 tagore LibertyReserve $0.06 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2587 tuah1209 LibertyReserve $0.11 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2586 wyf8888 LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/23/2012 Oct/23/2012
2585 sopeace LibertyReserve $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/22/2012
2584 amp66 Paypal $0.08 Oct/22/2012 Oct/22/2012
2583 andrade Paypal $0.24 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2582 bristythuy Paypal $0.04 Oct/22/2012 Oct/22/2012
2581 c88131 Paypal $0.04 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2580 craiovenis Paypal $0.04 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2579 dytka88 Paypal $0.07 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2578 florin23242 Paypal $0.04 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2577 gamirz Paypal $0.26 Oct/22/2012 Oct/22/2012
2576 houssemzapa Paypal $0.04 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2575 lamhuynh63 Paypal $0.05 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2574 lei6405 Paypal $0.09 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2573 mybiz75 Paypal $0.24 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2572 pringles71 Paypal $0.07 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2570 ta1ch1k00pa Paypal $0.04 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2569 thanhlong Paypal $0.10 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2568 tuanvinh9 Paypal $0.04 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2567 hoangtucantho LibertyReserve $0.06 Oct/21/2012 Oct/22/2012
2565 Artemisa Paypal $0.09 Oct/21/2012 Oct/21/2012
2564 CarlosVera Paypal $0.04 Oct/20/2012 Oct/21/2012
2563 davefo Paypal $0.09 Oct/20/2012 Oct/21/2012
2562 impicment Paypal $0.05 Oct/20/2012 Oct/21/2012
2561 k913931 Paypal $0.05 Oct/20/2012 Oct/21/2012
Viewing 110601 through 110800 of 112904 payments