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183,025,677 Ads View Served             170,972 Members     9 Online     $71,105 Total Paid

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ID # Username Method Amount Date Requested Date Paid
102266 multimair Perfect Money $4.86 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102265 EDARPINO Perfect Money $4.25 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102264 moon941 Perfect Money $1.17 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102263 adeneugene Perfect Money $1.11 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102262 nostrada Paypal $23.45 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102261 Anny99 Paypal $0.04 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102260 waweru001 Paypal $0.14 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102259 przemo84 Paypal $2.13 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102258 Ernestom13 Paypal $0.87 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102257 kerynka Paypal $0.74 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102256 evterpi68 Paypal $4.09 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102255 dino64 Paypal $0.50 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102254 Loverboy Paypal $0.09 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102253 Booo12 Paypal $0.36 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102252 trooper2 Paypal $2.33 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102251 mybiz75 Paypal $0.95 Feb/10/2021 Sep/16/2024
102250 Teniente9914 Paypal $0.26 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102249 vane80 Paypal $0.49 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102248 Celsoii Paypal $2.49 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102247 bratmot Paypal $1.08 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102246 tatymansoncollins Paypal $1.26 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102245 baby58 Paypal $1.00 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102244 bucurie Paypal $0.59 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102243 AndrewGab Paypal $0.15 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102242 Bogika60 Paypal $0.50 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102241 Ahmed1596 Paypal $0.04 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102240 Isarasaengkla Paypal $0.91 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102239 marintodorov Paypal $0.53 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102238 Chick50 Paypal $1.96 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102237 lironstar Paypal $0.51 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102236 Edibaba Paypal $0.32 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102235 skorpion13 Paypal $12.68 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102234 Tchok31 Paypal $0.52 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102233 jamespeddie90 Paypal $0.55 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102232 Celestexp1 Paypal $0.98 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102231 adlene Paypal $1.20 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102230 shakilmahmad Paypal $0.60 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102229 dayroypi Paypal $0.10 Feb/09/2021 Sep/16/2024
102228 yeinny24 Paypal $5.34 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102227 chengcyn Paypal $0.56 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102226 saadsami Paypal $0.04 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102225 luisems Paypal $0.09 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102224 ali2021 Paypal $0.09 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102223 dagusia19891 Paypal $0.49 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102222 bernd123 Paypal $0.65 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102221 rolus Paypal $0.51 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102220 Stasieczek Paypal $1.19 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102219 Migeru99 Paypal $0.10 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102218 rojascar Paypal $0.87 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102217 milacor Paypal $0.58 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102216 cilancors1 Paypal $0.73 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102215 jorgea72141 Paypal $0.53 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102214 Phamduc Paypal $0.09 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102213 gooroojing Paypal $1.09 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102212 marshaus2010 Paypal $0.51 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102211 candyskeeper Paypal $7.17 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102210 tr12 Paypal $0.50 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102209 bilou47 Paypal $0.04 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102208 xpl0ziv Paypal $0.83 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102207 qbenwing Paypal $0.78 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102206 dinoal Paypal $0.49 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102205 macarlo84 Paypal $0.50 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102204 plamen100 Paypal $1.01 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102203 pepcamaj Paypal $1.01 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102202 FultonPerea Paypal $0.04 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102201 bm00126 Paypal $0.51 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102200 plambgplam Paypal $0.53 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102199 frayrubio Paypal $0.04 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102198 Eli689 Paypal $0.04 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102197 aliungchai Paypal $0.49 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102196 sexylou8 Paypal $0.50 Feb/08/2021 Sep/16/2024
102195 clandac Paypal $7.74 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102194 Franchop88 Paypal $0.50 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102193 ELTIGRE Paypal $0.24 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102192 Zefiro Paypal $0.04 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102191 manegs Paypal $0.51 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102190 XRhappy12 Paypal $0.06 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102189 edmundo Paypal $0.04 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102188 zeltav Paypal $0.09 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102187 sliwson Paypal $2.26 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102186 vicbert74 Paypal $0.99 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102185 paoline Paypal $0.49 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102184 GottwaldMojmir Paypal $0.52 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102183 alessandar Paypal $1.02 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102182 frandian Paypal $0.78 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102181 sujat2514 Paypal $0.49 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102180 cimila74 Paypal $1.09 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102179 NorthBit Paypal $0.05 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102178 korotyn Paypal $0.52 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102177 haznd2020 Paypal $0.50 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102176 RUWAN14 Paypal $0.23 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102175 grannyjd Paypal $1.07 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102174 naresh2511 Paypal $0.50 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102173 Dechduang Paypal $0.36 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102172 ptcpolice Paypal $1.71 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102171 zx1246 Paypal $1.02 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102170 eteland28 Paypal $1.02 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102169 migue44 Paypal $1.34 Feb/07/2021 Sep/16/2024
102168 angerall Paypal $0.53 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102167 Yedrus Paypal $0.92 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102166 TRAVIESA Paypal $0.50 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102165 refbb25 Paypal $0.50 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102164 bebo Paypal $0.15 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102163 amegag Paypal $0.57 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102162 CrisPier16 Paypal $0.49 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102161 chillfiger Paypal $1.21 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102160 sofmercy Paypal $0.54 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102159 JenSala Paypal $0.98 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102158 Torikul6330 Paypal $0.04 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102157 haribulan Paypal $1.45 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102156 sosodream01 Paypal $0.04 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102155 mostdm27 Paypal $1.00 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102154 ivan6207 Paypal $0.50 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102153 RedDust Paypal $0.55 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102152 hckong Paypal $0.51 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102151 yunandar Paypal $0.50 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102150 marsa Paypal $1.00 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102149 bailen3 Paypal $0.52 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102148 ngocyen Paypal $0.09 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102147 Volodymyrmart Paypal $0.20 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102146 junandjay Paypal $0.09 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102145 Jluiscx Paypal $0.04 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102144 luisernesto2007 Paypal $1.00 Feb/06/2021 Sep/16/2024
102143 Ritch Paypal $1.00 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102142 jnsccm Paypal $0.32 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102141 celabro Paypal $0.49 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102140 zelig54 Paypal $1.06 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102139 kefabo007 Paypal $0.49 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102138 mycashbiz Paypal $1.15 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102137 kimka Paypal $0.04 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102136 Wiky20 Paypal $0.25 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102135 EliasOrtega Paypal $0.04 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102134 gheral2001 Paypal $0.04 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102133 Ravikant Paypal $0.05 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102132 bintoche Paypal $0.09 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102131 Dang555 Paypal $2.02 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102130 tarek0304 Paypal $0.05 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102129 nmbuo18000 Paypal $0.49 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102128 junosha Paypal $1.08 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102127 feng Paypal $0.52 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102126 javierkriss8 Paypal $1.00 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102125 mgh989 Paypal $0.55 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102124 Peetu66 Paypal $0.50 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102123 isabel38 Paypal $0.14 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102122 LadyMouse Paypal $0.50 Feb/05/2021 Sep/16/2024
102121 Amandasilva Paypal $2.57 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102120 Shumon Paypal $2.00 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102119 zbych55 Paypal $2.07 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102118 gelinha2017 Paypal $0.51 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102117 LOVELYARVIND Paypal $0.24 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102116 Vali3nt Paypal $0.49 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102115 hichamag Paypal $0.10 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102114 Xarles1 Paypal $0.09 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102113 shadie Paypal $1.00 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102112 zsolt79a Paypal $5.00 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102111 Xevilldevill99 Paypal $0.18 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102110 borko Paypal $0.51 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102109 giveras03 Paypal $0.04 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102108 hisalut Paypal $0.64 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102107 bipanagurung Paypal $0.49 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102106 shadow1234 Paypal $0.52 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102105 fufure Paypal $0.49 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102104 Nilton3 Paypal $0.04 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102103 nini12 Paypal $0.09 Feb/04/2021 Sep/16/2024
102102 Prakashnegi12345 Paypal $0.60 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102101 sheiby Paypal $0.10 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102100 pasi2468 Paypal $0.26 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102099 goliath Paypal $1.00 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102098 Dunyi Paypal $0.24 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102097 tukta17 Paypal $0.15 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102096 sanjcasht1 Paypal $0.51 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102095 Nandah04 Paypal $0.04 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102094 alinelinny Paypal $0.09 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102093 fonshoby Paypal $0.50 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102092 Jackson Paypal $0.04 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102091 gao12345678 Paypal $0.15 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102090 lena1973 Paypal $0.55 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102089 barce Paypal $0.14 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102088 mober Paypal $0.49 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102087 kakalabib Paypal $0.49 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102086 dongarni10 Paypal $0.55 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102085 DiegoCeballos Paypal $0.49 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102084 ElExtra Paypal $0.19 Feb/03/2021 Sep/16/2024
102083 valdeisilva Paypal $0.04 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102082 anocha Paypal $0.49 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102081 krisno212 Paypal $0.15 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102080 alexsandrofi Paypal $2.00 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102079 Mohamed223 Paypal $0.04 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102078 BKV95 Paypal $1.00 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102077 Raviharamax Paypal $0.49 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102076 mkdigital Paypal $0.34 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102075 Dazz Paypal $0.69 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102074 CesarL7 Paypal $0.50 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102073 Azizajrar Paypal $0.04 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102072 flance Paypal $0.14 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102071 JESUSC1311 Paypal $0.52 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102070 Aody11 Paypal $0.42 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102069 simpatiko90 Paypal $0.49 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102068 lni153 Paypal $0.51 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
102067 Xasko13 Paypal $0.50 Feb/02/2021 Sep/16/2024
Viewing 19001 through 19200 of 113013 payments