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183,464,967 Ads View Served             171,194 Members     15 Online     $71,220 Total Paid

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ID # Username Method Amount Date Requested Date Paid
122662 piok77 Paypal $0.50 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122661 duster Paypal $0.50 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122660 LCL2021PI Paypal $1.11 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122659 BubbleGum Paypal $0.57 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122658 triplexgpt Paypal $0.30 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122657 adwin2 Paypal $5.52 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122656 MarcoAlves Paypal $0.80 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122655 LinLinKyaw99 Paypal $0.09 Nov/04/2023 Sep/29/2024
122654 Davidcdt9 Paypal $0.49 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122653 oilujjulio Paypal $0.75 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122652 Viti2012 Paypal $0.51 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122651 ARUNNJ2025 Paypal $0.15 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122650 zaba Paypal $1.29 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122649 annagastaldi18 Paypal $0.98 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122648 svala09 Paypal $0.51 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122647 sucha55 Paypal $1.25 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122646 rockstar001 Paypal $1.01 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122645 wnwojtek Paypal $0.73 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122644 nmondal Paypal $0.23 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122643 vinodkumaras Paypal $0.49 Nov/03/2023 Sep/29/2024
122642 ANBM2405 Paypal $0.09 Nov/02/2023 Sep/29/2024
122641 dada25 Paypal $0.56 Nov/02/2023 Sep/29/2024
122640 Nikoleta1956 Paypal $0.59 Nov/02/2023 Sep/29/2024
122639 arymuzyc0408 Paypal $0.65 Nov/02/2023 Sep/29/2024
122638 veejames Paypal $0.60 Nov/02/2023 Sep/29/2024
122637 leaobm Paypal $0.50 Nov/02/2023 Sep/29/2024
122636 remy1210 Paypal $1.25 Nov/02/2023 Sep/29/2024
122635 frs5055 Paypal $1.00 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122634 KobusM Paypal $0.10 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122633 kenwarren1 Paypal $0.70 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122632 li55ycash Paypal $0.50 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122631 LOVELYARVIND Paypal $0.77 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122630 vessko1 Paypal $0.64 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122629 agatech Paypal $1.00 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122628 herncar2001 Paypal $0.49 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122627 Jarral75 Paypal $0.38 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122626 anitaweber32 Paypal $0.04 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122625 Martynas Paypal $1.96 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122617 uralam Perfect Money $2.21 Oct/29/2023 Sep/29/2024
122616 zakir845 Perfect Money $1.21 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122615 DifMedia Perfect Money $1.59 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122614 AvtoForos Perfect Money $2.73 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122613 WallpapersWithQuotes Perfect Money $6.13 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122612 nostrada Paypal $2.85 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122611 lenetgagnant Paypal $0.50 Nov/01/2023 Sep/29/2024
122610 maslinka Paypal $4.85 Oct/31/2023 Sep/29/2024
122609 dosal Paypal $11.39 Oct/31/2023 Sep/29/2024
122608 abdennour88 Paypal $0.14 Oct/31/2023 Sep/29/2024
122607 muzobird Paypal $0.74 Oct/31/2023 Sep/29/2024
122606 raquel18490 Paypal $0.71 Oct/31/2023 Sep/29/2024
122605 leotte1 Paypal $1.07 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122604 tamisky Paypal $0.07 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122603 atif12345678 Paypal $0.14 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122602 artolas Paypal $1.00 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122601 tarcy33 Paypal $1.83 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122600 beginner2010 Paypal $0.49 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122599 Hichaam Paypal $0.74 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122598 welkom99 Paypal $0.59 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122597 ktrivedi Paypal $0.49 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122596 plamen100 Paypal $1.83 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122595 tais777 Paypal $0.53 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122594 magorzataf Paypal $0.49 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122593 fantom2017 Paypal $0.51 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122592 sanjcasht1 Paypal $1.29 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122591 grannyjd Paypal $1.18 Oct/30/2023 Sep/29/2024
122590 ceisa02 Paypal $1.89 Oct/29/2023 Sep/29/2024
122589 tsamikos Paypal $2.00 Oct/29/2023 Sep/29/2024
122588 juan2374 Paypal $0.15 Oct/29/2023 Sep/29/2024
122587 edrjchris Paypal $0.50 Oct/29/2023 Sep/29/2024
122586 shadow1234 Paypal $0.53 Oct/29/2023 Sep/29/2024
122585 Kathy230 Paypal $0.49 Oct/29/2023 Sep/29/2024
122584 vondy Paypal $1.61 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122583 quegrandemalandreco Paypal $1.13 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122582 Cloves3 Paypal $0.56 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122581 minholee Paypal $0.52 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122580 Jone Paypal $0.10 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122579 imase Paypal $1.98 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122578 xom5001 Paypal $1.01 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122577 fviloria Paypal $0.25 Oct/28/2023 Sep/29/2024
122576 gainsgratuit Paypal $0.49 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122575 cleverson358 Paypal $2.86 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122574 kuzuryu3189 Paypal $1.25 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122573 simeone7 Paypal $0.65 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122572 wittykapil Paypal $0.50 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122571 mrazam Paypal $0.49 Oct/27/2023 Sep/29/2024
122570 jaksana Paypal $0.50 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122569 roerpa Paypal $10.75 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122568 baby58 Paypal $1.00 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122567 Lakshantl Paypal $1.00 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122566 BOCHECHA Paypal $2.61 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122565 bigjo50 Paypal $1.13 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122564 Dollar Paypal $4.73 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122563 frs5055 Paypal $1.03 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122562 viraganna Paypal $1.03 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122561 harinder32 Paypal $0.40 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122547 nostrada Perfect Money $5.29 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122546 multimair Perfect Money $1.43 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122545 patriciya Perfect Money $1.71 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122544 anat575 Perfect Money $2.00 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122543 bp11 Perfect Money $1.03 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122542 Fuxin123 Paypal $0.04 Oct/26/2023 Sep/29/2024
122541 zoemarie Paypal $1.03 Oct/25/2023 Sep/29/2024
122540 anamil Paypal $0.51 Oct/25/2023 Sep/29/2024
122539 Freelancing Paypal $0.05 Oct/25/2023 Sep/29/2024
122538 fagyis Paypal $0.55 Oct/25/2023 Sep/29/2024
122537 lanp Paypal $0.15 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122536 aarre Paypal $0.50 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122535 wafaae Paypal $0.13 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122534 carqueja Paypal $0.06 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122533 ucollect Paypal $1.55 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122532 EBNN26 Paypal $0.04 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122531 Lakmal1234 Paypal $0.50 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122530 ionescunicolae Paypal $0.49 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122529 ota1968 Paypal $0.52 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122528 sportfan677 Paypal $0.50 Oct/24/2023 Sep/29/2024
122527 evterpi68 Paypal $5.81 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122526 CD1123 Paypal $0.51 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122525 mzmagic5 Paypal $1.00 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122524 kim21 Paypal $0.50 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122523 asiula403 Paypal $0.50 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122522 rikustek Paypal $1.00 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122521 duster Paypal $0.50 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122520 Nexycom Paypal $3.15 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122519 calabuch78 Paypal $5.89 Oct/23/2023 Sep/29/2024
122518 tldj12000 Paypal $0.18 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122517 wangzhuan_2011 Paypal $2.70 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122516 Wije10 Paypal $0.24 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122515 candyskeeper Paypal $1.84 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122514 cervone1981 Paypal $0.14 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122513 yiyin Paypal $1.08 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122512 ableh100 Paypal $0.10 Oct/22/2023 Sep/29/2024
122511 moneymaker2021 Paypal $0.99 Oct/21/2023 Sep/29/2024
122510 zeeshu876 Paypal $0.73 Oct/21/2023 Sep/29/2024
122509 svala09 Paypal $0.51 Oct/21/2023 Sep/29/2024
122508 dada25 Paypal $0.51 Oct/21/2023 Sep/29/2024
122507 almm1209 Paypal $1.25 Oct/20/2023 Sep/29/2024
122506 CBETO19 Paypal $0.88 Oct/20/2023 Sep/29/2024
122505 oliviou17 Paypal $0.49 Oct/20/2023 Sep/29/2024
122504 LOURDESC Paypal $0.13 Oct/20/2023 Sep/29/2024
122503 SraTato Paypal $0.68 Oct/20/2023 Sep/29/2024
122502 PRO551 Paypal $1.11 Oct/20/2023 Sep/29/2024
122501 ctlim Paypal $0.23 Oct/20/2023 Sep/29/2024
122500 biggame32 Paypal $5.45 Oct/19/2023 Sep/29/2024
122499 meidala Paypal $9.02 Oct/19/2023 Sep/29/2024
122498 lenetgagnant Paypal $0.64 Oct/19/2023 Sep/29/2024
122497 ABDELLATIF12 Paypal $0.11 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122496 Alreves1 Paypal $0.54 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122495 marinlopez Paypal $0.49 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122494 NickT Paypal $0.93 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122493 fantom2017 Paypal $0.53 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122492 edrjchris Paypal $0.50 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122491 hisalut Paypal $0.51 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122490 inmaculada333 Paypal $0.59 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122489 shadow1234 Paypal $0.53 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122488 ibi77 Paypal $0.50 Oct/18/2023 Sep/29/2024
122487 frs5055 Paypal $0.81 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122486 georgamarys Paypal $0.50 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122485 Nia444 Paypal $0.49 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122484 vesoor Paypal $2.13 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122483 GleicerAlayo Paypal $3.14 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122482 csxdrtyu8674 Paypal $0.24 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122481 ays82 Paypal $0.49 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122480 pejton Paypal $2.57 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122437 serwladi Perfect Money $1.87 Oct/14/2023 Sep/29/2024
122436 Cordden Perfect Money $2.02 Oct/12/2023 Sep/29/2024
122435 arsenal777 Perfect Money $1.10 Oct/10/2023 Sep/29/2024
122434 nostrada Paypal $3.46 Oct/17/2023 Sep/29/2024
122433 cfuenmayor Paypal $0.78 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122432 kcaero Paypal $0.49 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122431 maltex Paypal $0.09 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122430 duvida Paypal $0.28 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122429 monday21 Paypal $0.51 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122428 kraft Paypal $0.54 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122427 norbin Paypal $0.55 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122426 LinLinKyaw99 Paypal $0.04 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122425 giannistiens Paypal $0.51 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122424 alster Paypal $0.64 Oct/16/2023 Sep/29/2024
122423 Rudgleyson95 Paypal $0.04 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122422 Muthosh Paypal $0.49 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122421 jano44 Paypal $2.15 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122420 Kepa01 Paypal $1.42 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122419 oilujjulio Paypal $0.92 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122418 ARUNNJ2025 Paypal $0.10 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122417 selvaraj Paypal $0.55 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122416 johny Paypal $0.49 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122415 wonderland Paypal $0.55 Oct/15/2023 Sep/29/2024
122414 grannyjd Paypal $0.52 Oct/14/2023 Sep/29/2024
122413 kociaczek Paypal $0.04 Oct/14/2023 Sep/29/2024
122412 ferdi20 Paypal $1.64 Oct/14/2023 Sep/29/2024
122411 va321 Paypal $0.98 Oct/14/2023 Sep/29/2024
122410 JCH506 Paypal $1.19 Oct/14/2023 Sep/29/2024
122409 Lakmal1234 Paypal $0.50 Oct/14/2023 Sep/29/2024
122408 cash7 Paypal $10.02 Oct/13/2023 Sep/29/2024
122407 LordBLade Paypal $0.04 Oct/13/2023 Sep/29/2024
122406 czyanks2334 Paypal $2.04 Oct/13/2023 Sep/29/2024
122405 fagyis Paypal $0.53 Oct/13/2023 Sep/29/2024
122404 FitnesUniverse Paypal $0.05 Oct/13/2023 Sep/29/2024
122403 MARY1966 Paypal $2.65 Oct/12/2023 Sep/29/2024
122402 junosha Paypal $1.09 Oct/12/2023 Sep/29/2024
122401 bd56 Paypal $0.52 Oct/12/2023 Sep/29/2024
Viewing 2601 through 2800 of 113112 payments